Kidz Club

Community and in-school clubs for primary and intermediate age students

Clubs for Primary and Intermediate School Kids

Kids Clubs are faith based clubs that are especially good for kids who have little or no church background. They are a great way for your church to grow connections with the kids and families in your community. You could start one as a stand-alone club or follow on from your holiday programme. SUNZ has a wide variety of quality programme material available. We also offer leadership training and support and help with safety procedures.

In-school clubs

Our in-school clubs - SUPAkidz Clubs for primary school children and SURGE clubs for intermediate school children, are held at lunchtime or after school on school grounds. SUNZ provides programme material that is only available for these clubs and will help young people think about life from a Christian perspective. It is especially designed to suit the New Zealand school environment. We also help you with training and support, safety procedures and leadership applications so that you can assure schools and parents you are running safely. We recommend an opt-in programme which allows parents to choose whether their children attend.
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