About SUNZ

Scripture Union supports churches to help children and young people discover Jesus and become life-long disciples who serve the world around them.

To carry this out, we offer leadership development, camps for children and young people, community programmes, mental health programmes and innovative resources to help churches connect with children and young people in Aotearoa, New Zealand.

In Aotearoa, SUNZ partners with many hundreds of volunteers leading and running our activities. We work alongside churches to encourage their work with children, young people and their families, and promote Bible engagement for all ages. We teach and practise regular Bible use and prayer as key parts of growing holistically as lifelong followers of Jesus.

E ū pūmau ana a Scripture Union ki ngā kaupapa nunui o te noho kōtui tūturu, o te tiaki, me te whāinga wāhi o tētahi, o tētahi, ka takea mai I Te Tiriti o Waitangi. We are firmly committed to honouring the principles of partnership, protection and participation inherent in Te Tiriti o Waitangi.

Ko tātou te Kaitiaki o Aotearoa - the Board of Scripture Union New Zealand recognise SUNZ’s role as ‘Kaitiaki’ in New Zealand and expects that SUNZ staff take all reasonable steps to implement SUNZ procedures and policies in ways that promote environmental responsibility and stewardship.
Take a look at this video. It sums up what we are all about — lifelong discipleship with children and young people.

Our Statement of Faith

We support churches to help children and young people discover Jesus and become life-long disciples who serve the world around them.
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Our Logo

Our logo represents the flame in the lamp of the international logo.
In 2012 SUNZ branding was reviewed to unify the branding of different ministries around a common look with a strong indigenous style and meaning.

The new visual identity was inspired by the landscape of New Zealand, rivers and mountains, as well as the traditional Scripture Union lamp or flame. The artist, Mike Pewhairangi, saw the rama (light) of the lamp alongside the maunga (mountain) of God to whom we are connected. The white space in the logo represents the journey we take through the landscape and how SUNZ connects with us along that journey

Our by-line from Psalm 119:105 reflects our reliance on God’s word
as the light for our feet, he rama ki ōku waewae.

Our Values

Our values reflect the values and heartbeat of the Movement. They come from Scripture Union’s International Working Principles and reinforce our way of fulfilling ministry.
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Our Policies

Read more about our commitment to Christian Leadership and our Privacy Policy
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Our Annual Review

Read about all that has been going on at SUNZ in the last year.
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For Voting Members

SUNZ is a volunteer-dependent organisation which deeply appreciates the many ways people are actively supporting and involved in the movement. We would love more input from any individual who wants to be part of the future shaping of SUNZ's mission. If this is you – we would like to invite you to consider applying to be a voting member, enabling you to have a say in decisions made at our AGM (or at an extraordinary general meeting if one were called).

If you would like to apply to become a voting member please download the Application form, or read more info.
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