All charity donations over S5 are eligible for a 33.33% tax rebate from New zealand·s Department of Inland Revenue (IRD). Yet, half or all donation rebates, made to New Zealand charities, are left unclaimed. You can claim a rebate at any time, for any donations made in the previous 4 years, if you are earning taxable income at the time. Once you've received your tax receipt, submit this via your MylR account at
www.ird This is the easiest way to claim your donation tax credit. The instructions for doing this can be found
hereAlternatively, you can complete an IR526 form and post along with your receipts to: Inland Revenue, PO Box 39090, Wellington Mail Centre, Lower Hutt 5045. Many of our donors chOose to donate their rebate back to SUNZ, transforming every $100 into S133! You can either do this by putting our name and bank details
(02-0560--0036204-00) in box 9 of the
IR526 form or by donating the rebate after you've received it yourself.
Scripture Union New Zealand is a registered charity of the New Zealand Charities Commission. Our registration number is CC23323.